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Simulation Center Forms

Simulation Center Services Request

This form is required for internal and external users of the simulation center. It ensures that the sim center will have the time, space, and equipment available that is needed for your use of our facility. This form is due before the last week of the previous quarter. For external users this is due at least 4 weeks before the event.

Damaged Equipment or Missing Supplies

Damaged Equipment or Missing Supplies Form

This form is to be completed whenever equipment is found damaged, malfunctioning or supplies are missing. After completing this form, place the damaged item in the Sim Tech office or indicate where the item can be found in the comments section of this form.

UW Simulation Agreement

The UW School of Nursing provides telepresence robots for students who cannot attend class in person. It is intended for use in situations that require asymptomatic isolation such as known COVID exposure or caring for an ill family member, students with an accommodation to attend class remotely, or other situations which prevent attending class in person. They are not intended for use by students who are symptomatic and actively ill. Faculty may also use robots to attend classes remotely or tour the Simulation Center.